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来源:WCCF Tech点击此处查看原文>>>《消逝的光芒2》宣布举办游戏发售以来最大的游戏内活动“万圣夜”,于10月25日23点开始,将一直持续到11月4日23点结束。官方推出了各种任务和挑战,完成这些内容即可以获得特别奖励,一起看看宣传片吧。





来源:WCCF Tech







消逝的光芒粉丝肯定会喜欢经典万圣节主题的回归。夜魔再一次戴上了南瓜头(aka 南瓜夜魔),感染者们也又掉落特殊资源——“糖果”。


一旦拥有了足够的糖果,你就可以前往特殊节日商人— 不幸之人巴卡那里兑换奇怪的药剂。这些药剂有各种各样稀奇古怪的效果,像是让你跳得更高,或是让你的视野变成黑白模式!





Dying Light 2: Stay Human’s been out for some time now. The game has seen various updates throughout its post-shelf life. This includes new DLC, such as the Bloody Ties story expansion, in a couple of weeks. Anyways, It’s October, and Techland has a new Halloween event available to players today through November 4th. The All Hallow’s Eve update places players in a Halloween variant of The City, with lots of new daily and weekly bounties, free rewards, and Global Goals uniting the entire community of survivors around the collection of Treats. Here's a trailer that explains what you can expect in Dying Light 2:  Stay Human These Treats double as both collectibles and the event’s currency. Treats allow players to take their collection to Baka the Unfortunate, a unique Seasonal Agent, for various new items. These effects include things like visually altering the game to a monochrome palette or making Aiden jump higher, for instance. The All Hallow’s Eve event also includes special daily and weekly bounties throughout the event that give ranking points as rewards. These ranking points will allow players to unlock special Halloween-themed masks. Some of the game’s content throughout the event will be Global Goals, as stated above. These Goals, when completed, will reward players with the Jack’O Mask and the Dying Laugh charm. On that topic, there’s a unique bundle coming to digital storefronts on November 3rd, 2022. The Dying Laugh bundle will include a clown-themed costume, a new weapon, and a Halloween-themed Paraglider skin for free. This bundle will be available to all players who redeem it before November 10th (the launch of the Bloody Ties DLC). Finally, on the topic of the Bloody Ties DLC, Techland is giving players the new Rais Commando Outfit to anyone who owns the game or pre-orders it before November 10th. You can claim the item from Techland’s website, but remember that it will not appear in-game until the Bloody Ties DLC is released. We’ll continue to update as more information on Dying Light 2: Stay Human is released. Dying Light 2 Stay Human is out now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series, Xbox One, and PC via Steam, the Epic Games Store, and Techland’s own storefront.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: